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Natal Chart Reading

$125 (60 min)
$150 (90 min)

A natal chart (or birth chart) is a snapshot of the sky, at the exact moment and in the exact place that you were born. Your unique natal chart contains a wealth of information about you, from personality traits to lessons your soul has come to Earth to learn. Each planet has its own set of themes and archetypes, and the charts weaves them all together. A natal chart reading is a great option for anyone seeking to understand themselves, and their life's path, with more depth and clarity. Feel free to let me know ahead of time if there's a particular area of life (relationships, career, spirituality, etc) that you would like to focus on in our reading.

Solar Return Reading

$125 (60 min)
$150 (90 min)

On your birthday each year, the sun returns to the exact location in the sky as the day you were born. This is known as a solar return, which is like your own personal new year. The chart for your solar return is a helpful tool for understanding themes of the year ahead, and upcoming energy patterns that you're likely to encounter. In addition, the interaction between this current chart and your natal chart reveal insight into life lessons and experiences you are likely facing. Receiving a natal chart reading first is strongly recommended.

Composite (Partnership) Reading

$200 (90 min)

A composite chart is the combination of two people's birth data in one chart. In any type of relationship, romantic or otherwise, there are three important and distinct energies at play. Each person as an individual are the first two, and then the relationship itself as its own entity is the third. Composite charts give insight into that third component. The relationship has preferences, needs, strengths and challenges in its own right, beyond what might be obvious between the two individuals. These readings are helpful not just for romantic partnerships, but parent/child relationships as well. We focus primarily on the composite chart, but also reference each individual chart as needed for clarity.

To book a session, please email me at, or text me at (707) 962-7835. Readings can be done over Zoom, over the phone, or in person if you live in certain parts of Mendocino County. I look forward to working with you! 

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